ニキビ肌もモイスチャーライザーは塗らないと!? “Moisturizer is a must even for acne-prone skin!”

アクティブモイストは軽い感触で使いやすく水分を補給し肌本来 健やかや状態へ整えます。 クリームの製品には珍しく油が一切、配合されていないクリームなので毛穴詰まりが起こりにくく、ニキビ肌の方や皮脂が多い方にピッタリです!
☆キューカンバエキス…肌に潤いを与える などが含まれています!
ニキビでお悩みの方はもう綺麗にならないんじゃないかと不安に思われている方もいらっしゃると思います。 ですがシミと違ってニキビは綺麗になるものです!
自分の肌にあったスキンケアを選ぶことで肌が健康的になり、ニキビが出来にくい肌へと導くことが出来ます! 実際私もニキビに悩まされた過去があり、今ニキビができない、
きめ細かいキレイな肌になったので ニキビでお悩みの方の肌を解決し綺麗に自信が持てる肌にして差し上げたいと強く思っています! 肌診断もおこなっているのでご来店お待ちしております!

Hello everyone! I’m Therapist Morikawa from Lady Luck Osaka Umeda Main Store.

Many customers who come to our salon and have acne-prone or oily skin are hesitant to use creams, fearing that it might increase oiliness or cause their skin to look shiny and feel sticky.

However, avoiding moisturizers is not the solution for acne-prone skin; it is crucial to apply a proper cream! If you only use toner and skip the cream, the moisture in your skin evaporates into the air, leading to dryness. For those with acne or oily skin, dryness can cause an overproduction of sebum, clogging pores and exacerbating acne in a vicious cycle. Dryness and dehydration also weaken the skin’s barrier function, making it easier for acne bacteria to thrive and cause breakouts.

To maintain your skin’s slightly acidic condition, it’s essential to always use a moisturizing cream. But not just any cream will do!

It’s important to choose a cream suitable for your sebum levels to prevent acne and clogged pores.

We recommend Active Moist (an oil-free moisturizing cream) for those with acne-prone or oily skin!

Active Moist is easy to use with a light texture, replenishing moisture and helping restore your skin to a healthy state. Uniquely, it is an oil-free cream, making it less likely to clog pores and perfect for those with acne or oily skin.

The key ingredients include: ☆ Silk Amino Acids… to smooth the skin ☆ Lavender Extract… to purify and calm the skin ☆ Cucumber Extract… to hydrate the skin

If you’re struggling with acne, you might worry that your skin will never clear up. However, unlike scars, acne can heal! Choosing the right skincare for your skin type can promote healthy skin and make it less prone to acne.

I’ve personally struggled with acne in the past and have achieved clear, fine-textured skin, so I am passionate about helping others achieve beautiful, confident skin!

We also offer skin diagnostics, so we look forward to seeing you at our salon!