便秘解消で-2キロできます!You can lose 2 kg by relieving constipation!




1. 食物繊維を意識した食事

2. 水分を十分に摂取する

3. 規則的な食事とトイレの習慣

4. 適度な運動


6. ストレス管理



Hello everyone, Lady Luck Tada here!

Constipation is a common issue that can often be resolved with lifestyle changes and self-care. Did you know that you might lose up to 1.2 kg once constipation is relieved? Today, I’m excited to share some effective self-care tips to beat constipation!

1. **Eat Fiber-Rich Foods**: Dietary fiber is crucial for softening stools and improving gut health. Include both soluble and insoluble fibers in your diet. Soluble fiber is found in fruits, barley, and seaweed, while insoluble fiber is abundant in vegetables and whole grains. Start your day with oatmeal or whole-grain bread and include vegetables in your meals!

2. **Stay Hydrated**: A common cause of constipation is dehydration. Aim to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily. Drinking water right after waking up can stimulate bowel movements. Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol as they can dehydrate you.

3. **Regular Eating and Bathroom Habits**: Eating regularly helps synchronize your bowel movements. Breakfast is especially important to kickstart your digestive system. When you feel the urge, go to the bathroom immediately; don’t wait as it can make things worse. Also, take your time and relax on the toilet to prevent constipation.

4. **Exercise Regularly**: Physical inactivity can slow down your intestines, leading to constipation. Aerobic exercises are particularly good for stimulating your gut. Try to incorporate some physical activity into your daily routine to keep your bowels moving smoothly.

5. **Abdominal Massage**: Massaging your abdomen can help alleviate constipation. Lie on your back and gently massage your stomach in a clockwise direction to promote bowel movements, especially effective in the morning or after meals.

6. **Manage Stress**: Stress can disrupt your digestive system and worsen constipation. Engage in relaxing activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing to maintain a calm state. Also, ensure you’re getting enough sleep as lack of it can contribute to constipation.

If self-care isn’t enough, there are also supplements and teas that can help with constipation. Feel free to contact us for more information!

### Effective Hashtags for Attraction:
#ConstipationRelief #HealthyGut #SelfCare #DietaryFiber #Hydration #StressFree #NaturalRemedies #DigestiveHealth #WellnessJourney #LadyLuckTada