「深層美骨」で理想の美ボディへ/Deep Beauty Bone for Your Ideal Body





実は、それ 骨格の歪みが原因かもしれません!  
そこで、当店が自信をもっておすすめするのが オリジナル施術「深層美骨(しんそうびこつ)」です♪  




痛みの少ない ソフトな手技でじっくり調整していくので、リラックスしながら受けられますよ♪  


長時間のデスクワークやスマホの使用、片足重心のクセ…知らないうちに 骨盤や背骨が歪んでいることが多いんです!  




さらに、体のめぐりが良くなることで 冷え性改善にもつながります!  


深層美骨では、骨格を整えながら 深層筋をじっくりほぐしていくので、体のコリや痛みの改善も期待できます♪  




Hello everyone! It’s Tada from Lady Luck here! ✨

Are you struggling with stubborn weight despite dieting? Are you noticing changes in your body’s contour? It might be due to misalignment in your skeletal structure! That’s why we proudly recommend our signature treatment, “Deep Beauty Bone.”

Wondering what “Deep Beauty Bone” is? Let me tell you all about its effects and appeal today!

Our unique Deep Beauty Bone treatment adjusts skeletal misalignments while targeting deep muscles:

✔️ Realign the pelvis and spine to their correct positions! ✔️ Relax deep muscles for a more supple body! ✔️ Improve blood flow and lymphatic circulation for a body that’s easier to slim down!

Worried about the treatment being painful? Fear not! Our gentle, soft techniques allow for adjustments with minimal pain, ensuring you can relax during the session.

Three Key Benefits of Deep Beauty Bone:

  1. Correct Body Misalignments for Better Posture Desk jobs, smartphone use, and standing on one leg can unknowingly misalign your spine and pelvis. Misalignments can slow metabolism, making you prone to weight gain and causing poor posture that ages your appearance.

With Deep Beauty Bone, we can correct your skeletal balance, not only enhancing your appearance but also boosting your metabolism.

  1. Reduce Swelling and Cold Sensitivity for a Refreshed Body Misalignments can hinder blood and lymph flow, leading to accumulated waste and swelling. Correcting bone positions enhances circulation, relieving swelling and improving symptoms of cold sensitivity.

  2. Relieve Muscle Tension to Ease Shoulder and Back Pain Misalignments can strain muscles, leading to chronic shoulder pain, back pain, and fatigue. Our treatment relaxes the muscles by realigning the skeleton, alleviating discomfort and pain.

We offer thorough consultations for first-timers, so please feel free to reach out and discuss your concerns!

#EstheticsJapan #BeautyTreatment #PostureCorrection #Relaxation #HealthAndWellness