
実は、その原因の一つに 「骨盤の歪み」が関係しているかもしれません!
骨盤は体の土台ともいえる部分で、 内臓や筋肉のバランスを支える重要な役割を持っています。
骨盤の歪みは お腹周りや下半身に脂肪がつきやすくなる原因にもなります。
では、どうすれば骨盤の歪みを改善できるのか? ポイントは3つ!
1. 正しい姿勢を意識する
→ 背筋を伸ばし、骨盤を立てるように座るのが◎
2. ストレッチ&エクササイズを取り入れる
→ 骨盤まわりの筋肉をほぐし、柔軟性を高める!
3. プロのケアを受ける
→ 自分ではなかなか改善しにくい歪みも、プロの手にお任せ♪
Hello everyone! This is Tada from Lady Luck, bringing you today’s blog!
Are you working hard on your diet but not seeing the results you hoped for? One reason might be pelvic distortion.
Why Does Pelvic Distortion Affect Your Diet?
The pelvis supports vital organs and muscles and serves as the foundation of your body. Poor posture and everyday habits like crossing legs or standing on one leg can lead to pelvic distortion.
When the pelvis is misaligned, it can reduce blood flow and lymph circulation, decreasing metabolism. A lower metabolism means fewer calories burned, making it hard to lose weight.
How Does Pelvic Distortion Contribute to Stubborn Belly Fat and Lower Body Weight?
A misaligned pelvis can make it easier for fat to accumulate around your abdomen and lower body. For instance, an anterior pelvic tilt can push your stomach out, leading to a protruding belly. Conversely, a posterior tilt can cause sagging buttocks and thigh and calf fat accumulation.
If you find it hard to lose weight in your lower body, pelvic distortion could be the culprit.
How Can You Correct Pelvic Distortion? Three Key Steps:
- Be mindful of your posture.
- Keep your back straight and pelvis neutral while sitting.
- Incorporate stretching and exercises.
- Focus on loosening and increasing flexibility around the pelvic area.
- Seek professional care.
- Some distortions are hard to correct on your own but can be managed with professional help.
At our store, we offer services to help realign your pelvis and make your body more conducive to weight loss.
If you’re concerned about pelvic distortion or struggling with dieting despite eating less, please consult with us!
We eagerly await your visit!
#PelvicCare #Slimming #Wellness #BeautyTreatments #LadyLuck