夏の紫外線による肌へのダメージ/Summer UV Rays: Skin Care

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  • 夏の紫外線による肌へのダメージ/Summer UV Rays: Skin Care




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2. シワ

3. 乾燥


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2. 美白ケア

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Hello everyone,
I’m Tada from Lady Luck!

Today, I’ll share tips on how to combat skin damage caused by summer UV rays!

There are two types of UV rays in summer: UVA and UVB, both of which significantly affect the skin. UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin, destroying collagen and elastin in the dermis, leading to wrinkles and sagging. UVB rays affect the surface, causing sunburn and spots. The damage accumulates over time and often becomes apparent in September.

### Key Issues:
1. **Spots**: UV exposure stimulates melanin production to protect the skin, but excessive melanin can lead to spots, particularly noticeable in September after summer accumulation.
2. **Wrinkles**: UVA reduces dermal collagen, causing loss of firmness and wrinkles, which become more pronounced by September, especially around the eyes and mouth.
3. **Dryness**: Summer might seem moisturizing due to sweat and sebum, but UV rays and air conditioning actually dehydrate the skin internally. This “hidden dryness” surfaces in September, causing tightness and flakiness.

### Solutions:
1. **Intensive Moisturization**: Use moisturizers rich in hyaluronic acid and ceramides to maintain skin hydration.
2. **Whitening Care**: Incorporate skincare with whitening effects, such as products containing vitamin C derivatives, to prevent melanin production and spots.
3. **Continuous UV Protection**: Don’t neglect UV protection in September. Use sunscreen, hats, and parasols. UV rays in autumn are still harmful.

September is when summer UV damage shows on your skin. To prevent issues like spots, wrinkles, and dryness, continue moisturizing, whitening care, and UV protection. Choosing the right skincare products with essential ingredients for your skin’s health is crucial!

If you’re unsure which products to use, feel free to consult a Lady Luck skin therapist!

#SkinCare #UVProtection #BeautyTips #HealthySkin #LadyLuck

This translation condenses the original message while retaining key information and advice, tailored for foreigners interested in esthetics in Japan.